Tips for Improving Security in Manufacturing Facilities

Tips for Improving Security in Manufacturing Facilities
December 2, 2020

When it comes to physical security, manufacturing companies have a lot to consider. Primarily, companies have to think about protecting the people working in the facility and the products that they are producing. Aside from those concerns, companies must also protect their customer and employee information, financial records, product information, and trade secrets among other things. The purpose of physical security in manufacturing plants is to detect vulnerabilities and prevent intrusions; both physical and digital. Common threats to industrial plants are workplace violence, theft, counterfeiting, vandalism, and trespassing. The biggest problem is that many facilities are fairly accessible with multiple access points. Investing in security features such as cameras and commercial fire-rated doors and other security measures are the most popular and important avenues of securing a facility. Outdated building codes may not have taken into account some of the threats of today. As a result, some buildings might need a full security upgrade. Let’s take a look at some tips for improving security in manufacturing facilities.

Use Integrated Security Systems


Integrated security systems for a commercial building should layer several different technologies throughout the facility, in order to create the most secure space possible. To be effective, these technologies should be able to communicate in real-time and work with each other to send alerts when security protocols are violated. A vital part of a layered security system is cameras. Security cameras can be placed throughout a facility and around the perimeter.

Verkada offers commercial products that can provide this type of security system and cameras. With improved technology, these systems and cameras can send a signal to a device when there is a security problem or tripped alarm. Because of streaming video capabilities, security employees do not necessarily need to be tied down to viewing monitors in a room. Newer systems can allow security personnel to move around the building and still be connected to see what is going on. Aside from physical security, these systems can also serve to provide safety. Cameras and other equipment can also monitor the manufacturing floor to ensure a safe work environment is maintained for employees. A sound security system with multiple layers can work in tandem with law enforcement and security personnel to ensure that manufacturing facilities stay secure and safe.

Implement Access Control


With various access control methods, workers in a manufacturing facility can carry a single smart card that will grant them access to entrances, data rooms, and other secure areas. The main function of smart cards is to control access into a building, and into other secure areas within, such as special computer rooms and money rooms. Each employee is granted clearance based on their role in the building. Once scanned, the system interprets the data received from the smart card and determines its validity. More than just access control, these cards also serve as identification for employees and provide another layer of security. These access control systems can help keep physical assets and employees safe, but they also keep data and sensitive information secured as well.

Of course, a key component to access control methods is secure commercial doors. A commercial door can provide safety and security at the various access points of large facilities. Commercial fire rated doors serve a dual purpose in keeping the occupants of the building safe. First, these steel doors with a steel frame are resistive doors that can withstand impacts. They not only provide physical safety but also provide visibility to your security program and serve as a deterrent. Additionally, the thickness of these doors can provide fire protection in the event of a fire within the building. These doors can be 90-minute fire-rated to provide added safety for your employees; resisting the spread of fire for an hour and a half, giving more than ample time for fire and rescue services to arrive and assist in the evacuation. Upgraded stainless steel doors and even aluminum doors can provide the security and protection that many manufacturing buildings desire.

By utilizing a comprehensive security solution and access control systems, industrial organizations can significantly mitigate threats and increase the overall safety of the company. Along with employee awareness regarding all aspects of securing the building, added security features can protect employees and data.

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