Male enhancement pills are used to enhance the sexual experience of both the user and their sexual partner. The goal is to help a man maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. But for men with erectile disfunction (ED) who are unable to achieve and maintain an erect penis for sexual function, male enhancement pills can help alleviate performance anxiety, as well as lower the negative impacts on self-esteem and personal relationships, or even depression, that can be brought about by ED.
Supplements come in various forms such as tablets, capsules, gels, and sprays, and have a different mechanism of actions. Most of them are made up of natural ingredients and some are supplements that are enhanced by synthetic chemicals. As with anything health-related, it’s always best to consult a doctor to make sure that these items are safe for you to consume. They may recommend taking a small sample size first before moving onto a higher dosage.
Should I or shouldn’t I?
Statistically speaking, there is a huge demand in the general population for male enhancement pills. The sexual enhancement supplements market has a value of approximately $160 million in 2018 and this number is expected to reach over $324m by 2025.
Though a lot of men’s focus is more body-centered in their early years, as they head towards their middle to older years of age, their focus becomes more about the other person, and engaging in sexual activity is more for the sake of the relationship. Whilst younger men have sex for personal and relationship reasons too, for men in their 40s and beyond, sexual activity is much more infrequent and men of a certain age are not known to be particularly promiscuous.
For men, there are a wide variety of male enhancement products that can be used to help them in whatever occasion they have to engage in sexual intercourse. A top option amongst the general population as far as a well-reviewed male enhancement supplement goes is Erectin Review. Erectin Review is a very prevalent male enhancement supplement according to various case reports. This enhancement was specifically formulated to correct sexual dysfunction and enhance a man’s sexual strength, particularly for those above the age of 30. The results of one prospective study showed that this enhancement gives them harder, long-lasting erections, and solid stamina in bed.
Another prescription-based enhancement that is popular amongst the general population is Viagra, which helps to relax the walls of blood vessels and lets blood flow more easily into the parts of the penis that cause an erection. After much prospective study, Viagra (also known as Sildenafil) was patented in 1996 and was approved two years later by the FDA for use in treating ED and sexual dysfunction. This enhancement has gone a long way to provide men with long-lasting sexual performance and is well known by the general population for its prevalence with men’s erecting successes.
Erecting a gold standard in the bedroom…
At the end of the day, the goal is to improve one’s performance in the bedroom and stamp out the negative effects of sexual dysfunction in the process. Men have sex for a variety of reasons, from the physical pleasure it brings, or to the obvious simple sexual function of making a baby and adding to the general population. Frequency plays a part in the bedroom too, for some sex is just one of many daily activities, whilst for others, it is a special occasion between partners. But regardless, the prevalence of the vicious cycle that sexual dysfunction will lead to problems, that then leads to a further decrease in sexual function, and so on, cannot be ignored.
Insecurity plays a large part as to why men seek the assistance of male enhancement pills. In boosting self-esteem, sexual dysfunction becomes a thing of the past, leaving the other pleasures that sex brings to be enjoyed.
So whether you prefer the idea of “body-centered sex” which takes place when you have sex because you like the way it makes your body feel; or “person-centered sex” which is (as the name suggests,) more focused on the person and the relationship; male enhancement pills like Erectin Review can help increase sexual function, and help a man to get closer to their loved ones in the best way possible.