3 Ways Tech Is Changing the Way We Do Business

3 Ways Tech Is Changing the Way We Do Business
August 30, 2020

Technology has changed the way people communicate, live, socialize, and work. From agriculture to healthcare and education to manufacturing, technological advances have impacted almost all career fields.

Businesses that incorporate new technology can adapt and adjust their operations to capitalize on some of the benefits of technology. Most notably, tech has changed business operations in three significant ways.

1. Tech Expands Worksites


Some businesses have been restricted by geography. Staff needed to be on-site to complete tasks, or the business needed to be in a specific location to service clients. Technology has enabled many distances to implement remote operations. Remote call center software from leading call center software companies, such as Bright Pattern, can enable support staff to work from anywhere around the globe. This makes it possible for businesses to offer 24-hour support for clients without the need for nighttime security. Call center staff can even work from their homes. The software enables calls to be transferred with ease, and managers can monitor their staff teams remotely.

Objectives and key results (OKR) software is another example of tech that facilitates remote work. Teams can use the software to share specific work-related goals and determine what needs to occur to fulfill those objectives. This type of software facilitates communication between on-site and off-site employees and contractors. Businesses can also use cloud technology to store and access data remotely, ensuring all staff with an internet connection can obtain the information and materials needed to complete tasks.

2. Tech Increases Workplace Safety

Technology has played a critical role in improving workplace safety. For example, industrial cobots from artificial intelligence leaders, such as Fanuc America, have enabled manufacturers to use collaborative robots to perform repetitive tasks. This is an effective way of increasing production while reducing the risk of employee injuries. Using cobots can also decrease the likelihood employees will be affected by repetitive stress injuries.

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can be used to process data and can be used to assess information at an expedited rate. Since AI systems have machine learning capabilities and can use data to draw conclusions, they can alert people to potential risks, preventing injuries, and saving lives.

Technology can also be used to train and test employees to ensure they are familiar with established safety protocols. Technological systems can also monitor the use of safety equipment to determine if it is in good working order or needs to be replaced.

3. Tech Improves Operations

Communication platforms, such as Slack, are designed to enable staff to communicate effectively. Work teams can be added to channels where they can provide status updates to the entire team with one message. Employees who have been away on vacation can also use communication platforms to inform themselves of all relevant updates related to their work projects. Search features also make it easy to locate specific information that’s been provided through the platform. Communication platforms consolidate primary communication to ensure all relevant employees receive pertinent information promptly.

Video conferencing software has also helped employers improve communications. Staff can communicate face-to-face from around the globe via video conferencing apps.

Tech also improves workplace productivity. Customized computer programs make it possible to efficiently track business expenses, complete reports, process data, and evaluate procedures. Technology can be used to locate stock, identify logistical issues, determine how to improve workplace protocols, and identify ways to increase workplace productivity.

AI systems used with call center software can process incoming queries and identify the most qualified employee to handle the call. This can reduce the need for transfers and expedite the process of addressing consumer needs, which increases workplace productivity and improves customer satisfaction.

Facilitating off-site work and improving workplace safety can save companies money. Businesses can operate in less expensive areas while still serving clients in urban centers. When businesses are more efficient, they yield higher profits and can reinvest savings into new technology to improve other parts of their operation.

Written By
Staff Reporter

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